Weekly Whimsy

Winter is an etching, spring a watercolor, summer an oil painting and autumn a mosaic of them all.

~Stanley Horowitz {courtesy of the Quote Garden}

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Simple Woman's Daybook {Entry 2}

{Linked to The Simple Woman's Daybook


Outside my window...is cold gray, ushering in the coming winter.

I am thinking...about my little star and still wondering when she will come.

I am thankful...I spent some special time with my boys yesterday and today.  Soon our lives will be in quite the upheaval and I would regret not spending this precious time with them.

From the learning rooms...we visited the library for the first time in a few months.  Reading, puzzle-making, educational computer games, and puppets felt so fulfilling to do.  The wonder in their eyes told me so.

In the kitchen...leftover desserts like strawberry layer cake, apple pie, and four tubs of ice cream with one serving left.

I am wearing...a cream shirt with dark green embroidery...one of the few maternity blouses in which I still feel like a princess.

I am creating...ideas and plans for our new home.  Things like how we will make our home more holy {scriptures in the rooms, pictures of Christ and the temples in every room, habits of gratitude, etc.}

I am going...to the doctor at 4:15.  I hope that she comes as a result of this visit. :)

I am wondering...how my emotions can surge from one end of the spectrum to the other in only a matter of seconds.  One minute I will feel all butterflies inside thinking of how magical it will be to hold my little girl and the next minute my stomach is plummeting rock bottom like a dip in a roller coaster contemplating how long it may be before she comes.

I am reading...well, re-reading my handwritten notes on creating a quiet place where I can breathe and meditate and ponder and relax.

I am hoping...to implement the strategies I have recorded to aid in this whimsical whirlwind of childbirth, Thanksgiving, moving, and Christmas.

I am looking forward to...the pain that will come with labor.  Every hard contraction I anticipate knowing that I will finally be on my way to receiving an angel.

I am hearing...a beautiful song in my head that reminds me of my little star.

Around the house...I walk and pace, trying to urge contractions.

I am pondering...on Proverbs 3:5-7 today and for this whole week..."Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.  In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."

One of my favorite things...counting the graces, the gifts, the mercies from heaven as I await a miracle.

A few plans for the rest of the week:  Wait patiently for our little one.  Spend time with my sons.  Spend time with my husband.  Trust in the Lord.

Here is a picture for thought I am sharing...

Friday, November 18, 2011


"On Fridays around these parts we stop, drop, and write.
For fun, for love of the sound of words, for play, for delight, for joy and celebration at the art of communication.
For only five short, bold, beautiful minutes. Unscripted and unedited. We just write without worrying if it’s just right or not.
Won’t you join us?
Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking."
~The Gypsy Mama


It's a hope.  It's a longing.  It's a yearning desire for me right now.  I want a few things in my life to grow: 
*my contractions--could you maybe come five minutes apart and just a titch stronger?
*my little baby--oh sweet, glittering star, grow so you'll be ready to enter this world.
*my heart--will you open even wider than you already are to encompass this new little one in the blanket of love?
*my time--will you crescendo to allow all of the extra new baby to-do's fit in our schedule?
*my boys--might you wake up tomorrow with new wisdom shining from your eyes--wisdom to understand that Mommy has to share her time and her heart with another now.
*my faith--may you keep growing and growing and growing, never stopping, always increasing in strength with each new faith-challenging-building experience.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Simple Woman's Daybook {Entry 1}

{Linked to The Simple Woman's Daybook}

Outside my window...I cannot see, for I am living in a basement.  But I hear the cars go driving past...sounds much like the ocean waves.

I am thinking...about my little girl.  She is coming so soon and my heart yearns for her.

I am thankful...for quiet mornings and a routine that works.  It is a blessed thing to begin a day right by spending time with the Lord, writing praise, recording a journal entry, organizing and planning my day, and blogging.

From the learning rooms...we are focusing on the letter K, the number 11, and all things Fall.  We are also striving to develop kindness and peacemaking skills.  Last night we learned of obedience and all repeated in loud voices, "I will be obedient!"

In the kitchen...awaits apple cinnamon cheerios and minty-marshmallow hot chocolate.

I am wearing...old jeans and a striped green, blue, yellow, and white shirt that has lived with me through three pregnancies.  Topped with a soft white sweater.

I am creating...a sweet baby.  She is growing and I am growing too.  Not just physically, but in other ways too.  My heartstrings are lengthening.  My patience is increasing.  My love for her and my sweet boys is flourishing.  My life is widening to welcome her in.

I am going...shopping today.  To buy cans of food storage.  Christmas gifts for extended family.  Thank you cards for a lovely baby shower.  Gifts for the hostesses.  Christmas decor.  Washcloths and towels for our new home.

I am wondering...if I will have time to complete everything I want to do before my little grace comes.  She's coming soon and there's still oh so much to do on my to-do list.

I am reading...the Book of Mormon.  Issued a challenge in August to begin and complete the reading by the end of the year, I have been soaring through the pages, and the messages have been surging inside of me...changing me.  Making me more.  And full of grace.

I am hoping...that the labor and delivery goes smoothly and though I wonder, I know it will.  Because of a sweet blessing from a loving husband promising that it would be so.

I am looking forward to...holding my little girl for the first time.  Looking into her eyes and seeing heaven shining through.  Feeling her newborn fingers and kissing her cherubic cheek on that blessed day when she comes.

I am hearing...Tate's little voice talking to himself.  How I wish I could bottle up his tone and inflection and pronunciation.  His voice is angelic.

Around the house...remnants of things to move to our Farmhouse Cottage along with a scattering of pink baby things folded and ready for Sweet Pea.

I am pondering...on the grace of God.  His mercy, His kindness and long-suffering.  His deliverance of me from so many things.  How He is leading my life through green grass and springs of cool water.  How He is so good.  And so merciful.  My very best friend.  My Father.

One of my favorite things...is waking up in the morning these days.  I lie still in the lightening darkness and ponder on the excitement and plans of the day.  I run through my head the happiness awaiting me and picture the faces of my two sweet boys, while imagining the face of my sweet little girl.

A few plans for the rest of the week:
Packing the hospital and diaper bags
Typing more recipes and weekly shopping lists
Organizing everything into an album
Imagining my baby
Planning a romantic date night for my sweetheart
Scrawling the mercies the Lord is bestowing daily
Reading to little ones
Walking and dancing and shopping

Here is picture for thought I am sharing...

{This is how I feel.  In a heavenly mist, on a path of red and orange strewn leaves.  Almost to a bench where I can rest and take in my surroundings.  Waiting in this lovely Autumn for my little girl to be in my arms.}

Monday, November 14, 2011

Countdown to our Shooting Star

Very soon a little angel, a shooting star from heaven, will enter our lives...and our hearts.  Our precious baby girl is due on December 5, 2011, and I can't even wait.  I have entered into the impatient stage of wondering when she will come and if I'm prepared and mourning every day that passes without her.

Praying to know what to do, I had the glimmer of an idea...a baby countdown.  I listed the days out in my composition book and then began filling in activities centered on my sweet pea.  Perhaps by completing this list I will be able to more patiently wait her arrival and prepare more thoroughly so I enjoy the day of her birth as much as utterly possible.  And here is the run-down on the countdown:

11/13  Make a list of hymns and scriptures to read during labor.
11/14  Prepare the hospital bag and diaper bag
11/15  Print Wish Lists.
11/16  Make a list of photos to capture on her birth day and hospital to-do's.
11/17  Write a letter to my Shooting Star with all of my excitement spilling from the words.
11/18  Write out her personality profile.
11/19  Write about the meaning of her name.
11/20  Write out a plan for your relationship with her as a baby and throughout her life.
11/21  Write about your first few days and weeks together (projecting them in the future).
11/22  Review and write about her first "schedule."  Make a plan.
11/23  Go to a mountain to ponder where you are, where you have been, and where you're going.
11/24  List reasons you've loved being pregnant with your sweet pea.
11/25  Read through all posts to and about her.
11/26  Pray for her on the hour--every hours.
11/27  Pamper yourself.  Paint your nails...etc.
11/28  Write out your "motherhood commitment."
11/29  Ponder about your Shooting Star for 30 minutes and imagine her with love and joy.

I would go on...but I'm hoping she either arrives a little early or I can convince our good doctor to induce me (for size reasons).  I  am still wondering when she will grace our home.  I wish I knew the exact day and time of her arrival.  It would give me a day to push towards and look forward to.  But for now, this countdown will have to do and I know I will so enjoy every minute of every activity...

And maybe just one more goal to add to the countdown.  A daily one...

*Think of her and imagine the day of her delivery at least five minutes every day...

Friday, November 11, 2011


It's Five Minute Friday.
Linked up to The Gypsy Mama, we write for 5 small minutes on whatever thoughts come spilling through our fingertips.
It's unedited, unplanned, and unscripted.

Today's topic is Unexpected.
I begin.

When my inner moments grow calm and I settle those rushed feelings of everyday hecticness that accompany life with little ones, I write and write and ponder and write some more.  About life.  About grace.  About all the expected and unexpected.

Life is so different than what I thought it would be.  Planning as a young woman all that I would be and how the title "super mom" would just naturally fall upon my shoulders with little effort.  Children are sometimes unexpected.  So are personalities.  And money (or lack thereof).  So are jobs and careers.  And the loss of the tightly controlled world I once had.  It's all unexpected.
Maybe that's why it's so adventurous.
And I know I wouldn't have it any other way.

I wouldn't change in the least one aspect of the sweet little ones I've been given.  I am their steward and the task is so much harder and more real and more rewarding than I ever imagined it would be.

I wouldn't change even one thing about my husband.  He is my all and though I dreamed of the Knight and Shining Armor who would grace my doorstep one day, I never could have imagined him to be so perfect....even with all of my lofty ideals.  It's all so unexpected...

...and utterly oh so lovely.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Thoughtful Thursday....Skittle Rainbow

Color me a Rainbow.  My thoughts are whimsical, light, sweetly colorful, and fantastical today.

I'm thinking about:
*frosty Frosted Mini Wheats
*Little hair bows and flowers

Today I want to:
*making our leaf preschool lesson fun today
*let laughter spill out of nowhere and for no reason
*enjoy the moments

What are your thoughts on this Thoughtful Thursday??
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